Worship Service
Sunday School
Young Adult Fellowship
Digging Deeper
Bro. Benting is the missionary trained and sent by the church to work at our mission field Karbhi Anglong, Assam.
"The purpose of Church existence shall be the assembling together to Exercise public worship of the Triune God, Encouragement, and Edification of God’s people, Emancipation of the lost, Empathy toward the destitute and the Expansion of the Gospel as set forth in God's Word."
Discipleship (Assembling together to Exercise public worship of the Triune God, Encouragement, and Edification of God’s people)
Evangelism (Emancipation of the lost)
Missions (Empathy toward the destitute and the Expansion of the Gospel as set forth in God's Word.)
Worship Service
Sunday School
Young Adult Fellowship
Church On Knees
Cell Groups
Bro. Benting is the missionary trained and sent by the church to work at our mission field Karbhi Anglong, Assam.
A. The Divine Authority and Plenary Inspiration of the whole Canonical Scriptures
We believe that all scripture is given by inspiration of God, why which we understand that the whole of the book called the Bible is inspired in the sense that the Holy Ghost gave the identical words of the sacred writings of the holy men of old, chosen by Him to be the channel of His revelation to men.
(2Tim 3:16, 17; Mark 12:26, 36; 2Pet 1:21; Acts 1:16; 2:4; 1Cor 2:13)
B. The Trinity of Godhead
We believe that the Godhead eternally exists in three persons, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit; and that these three one God, having precisely the same nature, attributes and perfections and are worthy of precisely the same homage, confidence, and obedience.
(Gen 1:26; 3:22; 11:6-8; John 1:1-4; Isaiah 63:8-10; Acts 5:3-4; Matthew 28:19, 20; 2Cor 13:14; Mark 12:29; Heb 1:1-3; Rev 1:4-6)
C. The Fall of Man
We believe that man, originally created in the image and after the likeness of God, fell from his high and holy estate through disobedience, by eating the forbidden fruit, and in consequence, the threatened penalty of death was then and there inflicted, so that he totally lost all spiritual life, becoming dead in trespasses and sins, and subject to the power of the devil.
(Gen 1:26; 2:17; Isa 64:6; John 5:40; 6:53; Eph 2:1-3; 1Tim 5:6; 1John 3:8)
D. The Total Depravity of Man
We believe that this spiritual death, or total corruption of human nature has been transmitted to the entire race of man, the man Christ Jesus alone excepted; and hence that every child of Adam is born into the world with a sinful nature.
(Gen 6:5; Ps 14:1-3; 51:5; Jer 17:9; John 3:6; Rom 5:12-19)
E. Regeneration by the Holy Spirit
We believe that, owing to this universal depravity and death in sin, no one can see or enter the kingdom of God unless born of the Spirit whereby he becomes a new creation.
(John 3:5-8; Gal 6:15; Tit 3:5; Jas 1:18; 1Pet 1:23; 1John 5:1)
F. The Atonement by the Blood of Christ
We believe that our redemption has been accomplished solely by the blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, who was made to be sin, and made a curse for us, dying in our room and stead, a Sacrifice acceptable to God and effectual for every sinner who receives Him.
(Lev 17:11; Mat 26:28; John 1:12; Rom 5:6-9; Gal 3:13; Eph 1:7; 2Cor 5:21; 1Pet 1:18, 19; 2:24)
G. Salvation by Grace through Faith
We believe that sinners are saved by Grace through faith alone and that not of themselves, it is the gift of God, not of works. We further believe that every saved person is justified from all things from which they could not be justified by the Law of Moses.
(Acts 13:39; Rom 5:1; Eph 2:8-9; Titus 2:11-14)
H. The Believer’s Security and Assurance
We believe in the eternal security of all who are actually born again by the Spirit of God through faith in Christ as revealed in the Scriptures and that it is the privilege of all such to be assured of their present salvation and eternal safety.
(John 10:28, 29; 2Tim 1:12; John 5:24; Phil 1: Rom 8:33-39)
I. The Deity and the Virgin Birth of our Lord Jesus Christ
We believe in the essential Deity and the Virgin Birth of our Lord Jesus Christ and that all the scriptures from first to last centre about Him, His Person and work, His sacrificial death upon the Cross and His coming again.
(Isa 7:14; Mt 1:18, 22, 23; Lk 1:35; John 5:39; Acts 17:2, 3; 18:28; 26:22, 23; 28:23)
J. The Unity of the True Church in the Mystical Body of Christ
We believe that the church is composed of all who are united by the Holy Spirit to the risen and ascended Son of God, and that by the same Spirit we are all baptized into one body, whether we be Jews or gentiles, thus being members one of another and knit together in love.
(Rom 12:5; 1Cor 12:12-27; Eph 4:3-10; Col 2:19)
K. The Personality Deity and Present Mission of the Holy Spirit
We believe that the Holy Spirit is a Divine Personality – the third Person of the Trinity – Who is now throughout this age of Grace here present in the true Church, having been sent for the express purpose of revealing Christ Jesus to the members of the church and they may be comforted, instructed, and built up in their most holy faith, and to the world that sinners may be convicted of sin, of righteousness, and of judgment.
(John 7:38, 39; 14:16, 17; 15:26; 16:13, 15; Acts 1:8; 2:1, 4)
L. Sanctification
We believe that the members of the body of Christ are sanctified ones, are perfected as to their standing forever by the one offering of the blood of Christ, and are one with Christ in sanctification. As to their state, they may be sanctified with the constant washing of water by the Word, by the blood of Christ, and by the in working presence and power of the Holy Spirit
(Gal 5:16-25; Eph 4:22-24; 5:25-27; John 17:17-19; Rom 15:16; Jude 1; Heb 2:11; 10:10; 13:2; 1John 1:7, 9; 1Cor 6:11)
M. The Resurrection of the Body
We believe that Jesus Christ rose from the dead, according to the scriptures, in bodily form, and thus became the first fruits of them that sleep; that pin His reurn He will raise out from among the dead those that have died in Christ, this being the first resurrection; and that, after the thousand years, he will raise them that have died in unbelief from their graves to receive their sentence.
(Ps 90:3-4; Isa 26:19; Dan 12:2; John 5:28, 29; 1Cor 15; Rom 1:4; 8:23; Rev 20:5, 6)
N. The Eternal Blessedness of the Saved, and the Eternal Punishment of the Lost
We believe that the attitude either of reconciliation or enmity toward God is eternally fixed at death, and that the saints of all the ages will be forever with the Lord and will become joint heirs with Him as their Redeemer in His inheritance. We further believe that there is an appointed day for the judgment of the Wicked when they will be cast into the Lake of Fire, there to remain for ever and ever, according to their works.
(Dan 12:3; 7:22-27; Rom 8:17; 1Thess 4:17; 2Pet 2:9; Rev 20:11-15; 21:8; 22:11)
O. The Personality of Satan
We believe that Satan is a person, the Father of lies, a murderer from the beginning and the great deceiver of all the nations, that he will be finally overcome by the Lord Jesus Christ as the seed of the woman and cast into the bottomless pit for a thousand years and finally committed to the Lake of fire with all his angels to be tormented forever and ever.
(Job 1:6-12; John 8:4; 2Cor 11:13-15; Eph 6:12-16; Rev 20:1-3, 7-10)
Worship Service
Sunday School
Young Adult Fellowship
Church On Knees
Cell Groups
Bro. Benting is the missionary trained and sent by the church to work at our mission field Karbhi Anglong, Assam.
Baptism: We believe that the born-again Christian should practice baptism by immersion upon the profession of faith, understanding this to be the teaching of the New Testament, yet at the same time our church shall be free to admit into fellowship any Christian believer of godly walk and conversation who holds the faith and doctrine as herein set forth. ( Mt 28:19, 20; Acts 2:38; 8:12)
Dedication: We believe that it is the privilege of Christian parents to present their children in dedication to the Lord before the church that they may be made the subjects of united and solemn prayer. (Mk 10:13-16; Lk 18: 15-17)
The Lord’s Supper: We believe that the ordinance of the Lord’s Supper should be regularly observed each month, and shall be presided over by the Pastor or by any duly authorized person. (Lk 22:19, 20; 1Cor 11:15-17)
The God who made the world and everything in it is the Lord of heaven and earth (Acts 17:24)
From one man (Adam) He made every nation of men that they should inhabit the whole earth; and He determined the times set for them and the exact places where they should live. (Acts 17:26)
God commands all people everywhere to repent from their sins. For He has set a day when He will judge the world with justice by Christ Jesus, who he has appointed. (Acts 17:31)
For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. (John 3:16)
Jesus Himself said “If anyone opens the door I will come in” (Rev 3:20)
“Open your door today and invite Christ into your life and begin life a new
Reaching out at Snehadaan We thank God for the ministry at Snehadaan (Aids Rehab Center) run by Catholic Institution at Sarjapur. We minister the kids who are infected by aids through singing, Bible Stories, Games, etc and also support the various needs of the kids. We thank God for His work among the kids. Please uphold the kids in your prayers. |
Mission Assam We have adopted another small church in Assam. Our missionary Benting is pastoring this church. We continue to sow seeds in a Hindu dominant village in Karbi Anglong keeping in mind of church planting in this place. |
Avalanche 2016 We had a wonderful time at Avalanche this year! It was good to see many of our friends join us. We thank God for the adventerous activities and the meaningful time we had. Also, We Thank God for His great work in lives of people! |
Give us a call or send us an email with any questions or concerns that you may have.